Best International Fiction (Vincent Preis)

Vincent Preis is the german horror award. The short list of "Best International Fiction":

China Mieville - Der Krake (Kraken) (Lübbe) (2010)
David Case - Terrorinsel (Pelican Cay) (Blitz Verlag) (2010)
H. P. Lovecraft - Chronik des Cthulhu-Mythos 1(Festa Verlag) (New german collection)
Robert Jackson Bennet - Mr. Shivers (Mr. Shivers) (Piper) 2010
Stephen Jones - Innsmouth - Ein Reiseführer 1 (Shadows over Innsmouth) (Basilisk Verlag) 2001
Tim Curran - Der Leichenkönig (The Corpse King) (Atlantis Verlag) 2010

Here the winner from 2010.


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